Policy Fellow Team
Policy Fellows work between their dedicated policy partner(s) and universities to support research policy collaboration and knowledge mobilisation at a local and regional scale.

Chief Policy Fellow
Andy leads on the coordination of the team of Y-PERN policy fellows across the region, and the delivery and evaluation of the four programme Work Packages. He has responsibility for delivering Work Package 3 which focuses on policy engagement training, dissemination, and community engagement. Andy is the key contact point for engagement and networking with academic and policy communities across Yorkshire and the UK more widely, and dissemination of Y-PERN outputs.

Yorkshire & Humber Councils //
Leeds Beckett University
Neil has been involved in developing academic policy engagement models to link Yorkshire & Humber Councils (YHC) research requirements to Y-PERN. His work focuses around methodically communicating YHC research needs to the Y-PERN Academic Steering Group, simultaneously ensuring YHC remains informed about ongoing initiatives and progress within the Y-PERN network. He is also responsible for researching the impacts of devolution

West Yorkshire Combined Authority //
University of Leeds
Chau’s role involves providing data and quantitative analysis for West-Yorkshire authorities in delivering strategic local plans. Her policy work is on a range of different topics such as nowcasting for West-Yorkshire economic output and housing retrofit, which have successfully contributed to place-based evidence-informed policymaking of the region. Apart from that, she also pursues other research interests in financial economics, regional institutions, and informal economy.

West Yorkshire Combined Authority //
University of Leeds
Tom is primarily responsible for policy engagement and research involving the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) and local authorities in West Yorkshire. Tom’s priority areas of focus are working with WYCA on their economic strategy, particularly in relation to childcare, the informal economy and the future of work. Tom anticipates that this engagement on the economic plan will pave the way for additional collaborative work between WYCA and academics across the Yorkshire & Humber.
Tom’s expertise lies in sustainability, social movements, and transport with a focus on political and economic challenges and changes within each topic.

York City Council, North Yorkshire Council //
University of York (and York St John University)
Rebecca is responsible for supporting on evidence needs of York City Council and North Yorkshire Council. Key areas of focus include female entrepreneurship, free school meals, housing and supporting the region’s transition to a new Mayoral Combined Authority. Rebecca works closely with organisations in the region, including the Federation of Small Businesses
Rebecca is an expert on qualitative research methods and political sociology. She is experienced with participatory research methods. Her topic interests include education, housing and waste prevention.

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority //
University of Sheffield
Dan collaborates closely with the South Yorkshire Combined Mayoral Authority (SYMCA) to provide data-driven insights, theoretical foundations, and evidence essential for advancing the mayoral priorities and the growth strategy of SYMCA. His role entails the meticulous collection of evidence from various sources, including exemplary data systems used in regional and local governance models in the US, Europe, and the UK. This effort is aimed at enhancing the region’s decision-making processes and contributing to the realisation of strategic objectives.
Dan is an expert on economic and quantitative geography, data science, politics and international relations. His topic interest revolves around how data can be used in decision making, and how data-based evidence can be used to avoid blind spots.

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority // Sheffield Hallam University
Jamie is responsible for supporting on the evidence needs within South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) related to their Skills Strategy, with a particular focus on skills and economic inactivity across the region. Jamie works closely with Elizabeth and Dan to support the development of new systems for academic policy engagement with SYMCA.
Jamie is an expert around welfare reform, employment services, unemployment and labour markets. He also excels in qualitative research methods.

South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority // Sheffield Hallam University
Elizabeth is responsible for supporting on the evidence needs within South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority (SYMCA) related to their Skills Strategy, with a particular focus on skills and economic inactivity across the region. Elizabeth works closely with Jamie and Dan to support the development of new systems for academic policy engagement with SYMCA.
Elizabeth is an expert on the labour market, welfare, employment policy and evaluation of employment programmes. She excels in development of monitoring and data collection systems and tools, secondary data analysis and longitudinal studies.

Juan is engaged in fostering community involvement and driving sustainable transformations. Juan is focused on working on community projects addressing flood, water, and coastal erosion issues in Hull and East Riding. He is also working collaboratively with the Poverty Truth Commission in developing mapping tools to gather essential information supporting individuals facing poverty.
Juan’s expertise lies in the domains of Public Policy, Poverty & Inequality, Participatory Action Research, and Community Organizing.

West Yorkshire Housing Partnership //
University of Huddersfield
Pratichi is responsible for delivering research and promoting community engagement on issues of homelessness and housing quality in West Yorkshire. In her role Pratichi will also support the development of more effective ways for academics and policymakers to work together.
Pratichi’s expertise lies in human/urban geography. Her past work has been on topics of housing development, displacement and homelessness. Prior to joining YPERN Pratichi worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Leeds investigating the prefab house-building market in England, including the types of homes and places it is delivering.

West Yorkshire SME Economy //
University of Bradford
Peter is responsible for research, policy and engagement support in respect of the Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) economy. His work includes exploring the potential impact of the Bradford 2025 city of culture on SMES in Bradford and Yorkshire & the Humber more widely as well as on SME manufacturing economy in the region.
Peter’s expertise lies in Agricultural Economics, in a career which spans over 15 years working with teams from multicultural backgrounds in diverse fields across five Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries, namely: Lesotho, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
University leads
The university representatives across the 12 Yorkshire & Humber higher education institutions. The leads support the Policy Fellows and work across Y-PERN’s four objectives.
How we work together