Y-PERN hosts meeting of the Yorkshire and Humber Councils Policy Officer Network

Y-PERN hosted a meeting of the newly reconvened Yorkshire and Humber Councils Policy Officer Network (YHCPON) at the Cloth Hall Court in Leeds in January 2025. The meeting brought together local and combined authority policy and strategy officers from across the Yorkshire and Humber Councils network to discuss a range of issues.

The meeting was led by Professor Kersten England, the Y-PERN Director of Engagement, and Paul Hayes, Senior Policy Fellow based at the Leeds University Business School, who both have considerable experience of working across local government in the region. Topics discussed include how the group should work, what the most useful issues are to focus on, and how universities can support them.

Participants agreed on the value and appetite to develop the work of the Policy Officer Network to build relationships, collaborations, and shared understanding across the local and combined authority policy officer community of the Yorkshire and Humber region.

There was agreement that the network should focus on the more significant policy issues and broader trends at a local, regional, and national level, providing ‘headspace’ to explore opportunities to identify and implement systematic transformational change.

A key aim was to facilitate smarter working through sharing and agreeing priorities and explore how local and combined authorities might better engage with academics and access research. The challenge of navigating diverse local and combined government was signposted as important, as was engaging early career policy officers with academic researchers.

Key Outcomes:

  • Discussions about the importance of place as a key lens to focus activities for the network were had, particularly as a Yorkshire and Humber regional or mayoral combined authority scale is not always the most appropriate to consider policy issues. Merging research with context and circumstances of place is thus important, as is consideration for research and policy transfer and scaling.
  • Place was also seen as important to understand better the local and regional intelligence and data landscape.
  • The network also stressed a keenness to better connect local and combined authorities with bodies such as the National Institute for Health Research ‘Health Determinants Research Collaborations’ with those without to develop shared understanding of their place-based working approaches.

  • A presentation on the English Devolution White Paper, published in December 2024, was also provided by Y-PERN Policy Fellow, Neil Barnett (Leeds Beckett University), who outlined some of its challenges and opportunities. Subsequent discussions about devolution indicated that plans for local government reorganisation (outlined in the White Paper) would not impact on the region as there were now four combined authorities already in existence – which will now be called strategic authorities. Some concerns were expressed, however, about a potential ‘power drain’ if local government is increasingly seen by central government as a ‘delivery agent’ of combined authorities with little agency for local policy initiatives.
  • There was a shared desire to develop shared oversight and understanding of regional and sub-regional interactions with the UK government to build a collective Yorkshire Humber voice with the government and relevant departments and agencies. It was noted that the White Paper opens space for the regional policy communities to enhance joined-up and wider determinants policy work and collectively determine (and innovate) in shaping local and regional evaluation and outcomes frameworks, measuring and valuing things in ways which are reflective and sensitive local, place-based contexts and needs. Participants noted that better connect emergent Local Growth Plans across the region could be a valuable tool in this facilitating this work.

Policy Officers noted that the region’s universities were seen as key to facilitating collaboration through Y-PERN, YPIP, the Yorkshire and Humber National Institute for Health Research Applied Research Consortium (particularly the region’s four Health Determinants’ Research Collaborations) and the wider Yorkshire Universities in supporting place-based engagement and policymaking.

Ongoing work on local and combined authority Areas of Research Interest was identified as potentially significant in establishing policy-themed ‘communities of practice’ across the region to support collaboration, policy transfer and scaling.

Several participants noted however, that it was also important to open up spaces to consider how to strengthen community engagement, voice and agency in both widening and deepening devolution, and shaping evaluation and outcomes criteria. The potential role of YPIP in this work was identified as significant.

The meeting concluded with agreement that YHCPON should meet regularly, with future meetings focusing on issues such how to build ‘communities of practice’ linked to identified policy areas, the better circulation of information about research and policy, how can universities enhance engagement with non-university local authorities, and how can ‘best practice’ be transferred between local authorities and combined authorities.

Y-PERN presents a Research Note to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire

Y-PERN recently presented a brief research note to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire on the challenges and opportunities presented for the region by the recently published UK Government English Devolution White Paper. The APPG brings MPs and Peers of all parties together with key leaders – those in local and combined authority government, public and private sectors and social enterprises – to help maximise future investment in the region for the benefit of all local communities and economies. Secretariat support for the APPG is provided The Public Affairs Company and North Star Public Affairs.

Y-PERN Policy Fellows, Dr Neil Barnett (Leeds Beckett University) and Dr Andy Mycock (University of Leeds) drew on recent research evidence from an ongoing devolution project which is being co-delivered with Yorkshire Universities and Yorkshire and Humber Councils.

The Research Note highlighted that the English Devolution White Paper draws attention to the challenge of aligning formal and informal levels of government and policymaking. There is a need to align existing strategies from local authorities alongside those outlined by the region’s combined authority local growth plans. There also needs to be wider strategy across the region. The White Paper also raised questions as to where local authorities fit amongst increased powers for combined authorities. The lack of funding for local authorities may increase tensions between these two levels of government.

Combined authorities also need to have the resources in order to carry out these new powers as well as implement plans from local authorities. It was noted that some government departments have not been involved as much as they should in the development of the Devolution White Paper, in particular DEFRA and DWP. Some policies from the previous Levelling Up agenda have also been moved to the peripheries. The Research Note also drew attention to the shift towards combined authorities on local democracy, particularly local councillors who may experience a power drain as local authorities become primarily delivery agents.

During his presentation of the Research Note to the APPG, Dr Andy Mycock stressed that there is a considerable role that the APPG can play in utilising their connections with government ministers and civil servants as well as connecting the Yorkshire and Humber voice and projecting it onto various levels of local and national government. He went on to argue there is a need to consider the opportunities presented in the White Paper, making sure that the success of devolution is set by local MPs, not the Government. He also noted that devolution will play a pivotal role in setting future policy agendas, and that the APPG has a role in both its deepening and widening as outlined in the White Paper.

Y-PERN and its partners will continue to support and collaborate the APPG in the new parliament, exploring opportunities to provide a strong, unified voice to drive economic growth across the region and are looking to work alongside our external members and to develop policy proposals that can be put to the Government that would support economic growth.

You can read the Research Note here >

Communities Innovating Yorkshire Fund – launching soon

The £800k ‘Communities Innovating Yorkshire Fund’ will launch on 3 February 2025. This fund will be an opportunity for additional innovative emerging projects, studies, activities, and ideas that reflect the Yorkshire Policy Innovation Partnership’s (YPIP) focus on accelerating community-led inclusive and sustainable growth. 

Y-PERN and YPIP are enhancing collaboration between university academics and policymakers in Yorkshire and the Humber to develop evidence-based policies that benefit local communities. With £4 million in funding, Y-PERN connects policymakers and academics through a network including 11 policy fellows and an academic steering group. YPIP has secured £5 million in funding to build on Y-PERN’s efforts, creating a Local Innovation Partnership that involves all Yorkshire universities and addresses inclusive growth, sustainable living, and data analytics, with a focus on marginalized communities.

Projects must align with one of the 5 YPIP themes:

  • Data informatics 
  • Inclusive business practices  
  • Creative industries
  • Sustainable living 
  • Communities in their places. 

Projects must bring together a collaboration of different stakeholders through meaningful community engagement. Proposals will be submitted via an online application form and assessed against 5 criteria by a decision panel which will include Co-directors, Co-Investigators and members of the community panel.

There will be two funding pathways to be inclusive of grassroot and larger scale community organisations to demonstrate their innovative ideas: seedcorn projects of up to £10k, and larger projects of up to £50k. The spending deadline for funded projects is expected to be autumn 2026.

Watch this space for further updates on the fund, and please do give a heads up to partners who are working across our themes in the region. 

Contact ypip@leeds.ac.uk for queries. 

Yorkshire Policy Innovation Partnership (YPIP) are recruiting local people to join their project Community Panel

Do you have ideas about how to improve your community? Would you like to see better jobs in your area or find ways to live in a greener way?

The Yorkshire Policy Innovation Partnership (YPIP) project brings universities, communities, voluntary organisations, businesses and councils together to work on place-based initiatives.

Y-PERN and YPIP are enhancing collaboration between university academics and policymakers in Yorkshire and the Humber to develop evidence-based policies that benefit local communities. With £4 million in funding, Y-PERN connects policymakers and academics through a network including 11 policy fellows and an academic steering group. YPIP has secured £5 million in funding to build on Y-PERN’s efforts, creating a Local Innovation Partnership that involves all Yorkshire universities and addresses inclusive growth, sustainable living, and data analytics, with a focus on marginalized communities.

At the heart of the YPIP project is a community panel where we will listen, learn and make decisions together to shape local and regional policy. If this sounds interesting, we would love to hear from you.

The aim is to ensure that local people have an equal say in improving their communities and bringing better employment, sustainable living and inclusive growth to their areas.

The community panel is a group of 24 people from across Yorkshire and from all walks of life. It will make decisions about how the project runs and how we can improve our communities by agreeing on good practice examples of living and working sustainably in our communities.

Panel members will receive training and support with quarterly meetings throughout the project. They will be paid for their time with a living wage hourly fee and expenses will be reimbursed.

Find out more about the person and role specification, and express your interest in joining the panel by contacting Ben Jessop b.jessop@hull.ac.uk

Strategic research partnership between University of Leeds and Leeds City Council set out in new framework

This blog was originally posted by Policy Leeds on Medium.com Photo by Leeds City Council.

The University of Leeds and Leeds City Council have launched a new framework setting out how they will work together to mobilise the research expertise of the University to address the challenges faced by Leeds City Council and the city.

Tackling the challenges facing our city together

Times are challenging for local authorities, Leeds included, with increased need for services juxtaposed against years of austerity and constrained finances. Whilst things are undeniably tough, there are also reasons to be optimistic with new opportunities arising from continued devolution and an increased focus on place by the new Government and research funders.

As anchor institutions, the University of Leeds and Leeds City Council both have a strong stake in the city’s future success. By working together, and with other city partners, we want to deliver real lasting improvements in the lives of people and communities in Leeds and the wider region.

To achieve this, we are seeking to better leverage the University’s research capability and expertise to power evidence-informed policy development to tackle poverty, inequality, and other pressing challenges.

“Our Leeds Best City Ambition sets out our priorities for the city, which can only be achieved alongside others through our Team Leeds approach. Our continued collaboration with academic institutions across the city enables us to work towards achieving our ambitions, building upon the huge strengths, influence and potential that our academic assets bring. The strength of the ongoing partnership with the University of Leeds continues to deepen, with the launch of the Research Collaboration Framework setting the clear foundations, opportunities and existing successes for us to continue to build upon. The financial challenge being faced by the public and third sector is greater than ever, which is why we need to continue to work together to make evidence informed decisions, allowing us to adapt to the changing needs of our communities and ensure that our shared goals are delivered in the most effective way.”

Mariana Pexton, Interim Chief Executive, Leeds City Council

Innovating how we work together to get things done

The University of Leeds and Leeds City Council have a long history of working together. A review of collaborative research between the two organisations in 2020 noted 118 joint research projects that were ongoing or completed in the previous 5 years. The review also made a series of recommendations on how we could enhance and accelerate collaboration.

Prompted by these recommendations, we have made significant progress in strengthening opportunities to work together and extending these to include a more diverse range of colleagues.

Developing Areas of Research Interest

Responding to the recommendation to identify the Council’s knowledge needs and priorities for collaboration, we have been leading the way in developing Areas of Research Interest at a Local Authority level.

Areas of Research Interest, or ARI, originally came out of the Nurse Review in 2015 as a way for Government departments to improve their dialogue with researchers. The Government Office of Science provides guidance for the Government department but no official guidance exists for Local Authorities (for more on ARI read our blog: Capturing the ARI zeitgeist).

The University of Leeds has been working closely with the Council since 2022 to support them to develop their own Leeds City Council Areas of Research Interest (LCC ARI). These identify areas where further knowledge and evidence would help Leeds City Council colleagues develop more effective policy and activity. They form an invite to researchers to share existing research evidence or to discuss opportunities to collaborate.

Whilst this work has emerged from the bi-lateral collaboration, it is intended to make it easy for researchers from any University to see what the Council’s interests are and get in touch.

With the ARI as a clear guide to the priorities and needs of Leeds City Council, we have been able to respond by allotting a portion of the University of Leeds’s Research England policy support fund allocation to projects addressing aspects of the LCC ARI. A list of projects funded since 2022 are available on the Policy Leeds Policy Support Fund page and represent an investment of just over £1 million over the three years. These projects are helping inform Leeds City Council’s thinking and have led to further collaborations.

Providing a clear map for engagement

Unlike Parliament and National Government, which have clear opportunities for researchers to share evidence via Select Committee inquiries or Government consultations, routes to engaging with local authorities are less well developed. Similarly, Universities are large and complex organisations, which can make it hard for Council colleagues trying to find someone to talk to with the right expertise. This risks fragmented engagement based on personal relationships that are lost as colleagues move on to different roles or institutions.

To establish a more resilient and transparent route for engagement, the framework defines institutional collaboration contacts to act as a first port of call for questions or to facilitate introductions: Policy Leeds acts as the contact point for University of Leeds colleagues interested in engaging with Leeds City Council.

In addition to the Areas of Research Interest, the framework sets out some of the other routes that exist for University and Council colleagues to engage so they can share expertise and develop collaborative activity. These include:

  • Matching interested colleagues to share knowledge and ideas
  • Submitting evidence to Leeds City Council scrutiny boards’ inquiries
  • Contributing to expert groups or policy forum meetings
  • Undertaking placements or secondments

By making such routes of engagement more visible we hope to enable more researchers to share relevant evidence and expertise in a timely way to inform Leeds City Council’s activities and to build fruitful collaborations.

“At the heart of our University strategy is the desire to harness expertise in research and education to help shape a better future for humanity, and working through collaboration to tackle inequalities, benefit society and drive change.

This collaboration framework with Leeds City Council will further enhance how we work collaboratively with partners across the region, to leverage our strengths and expertise to support policy making that addresses the pressing challenges facing the city, region and its people. This framework will help to strengthen collaboration opportunities and enable policy makers to access the research and expertise needed for evidence-based decisions that drive benefit to the region for growth, and the public good.”

Nick Plant, Deputy Vice Chancellor: Research and Innovation and Chair of Collaboration Steering Committee, University of Leeds

The University of Leeds Parkinson Building in autumn.

Continuously learning and sharing

Learning how to best work together will be a continuous journey and innovation won’t always be a smooth road. We will continue to trial new ways of working alongside refining the routes we have already established.

As well as celebrating successes, we will share our progress and learning to help others interested in developing their own approaches to research-policy engagement at the local authority level.

Keep an eye on Policy Leeds communications to stay informed and learn about future work or opportunities to get involved.

All part of one Team Leeds

While the new framework is centred on the relationship between the University of Leeds and Leeds City Council, the strategic collaboration is not isolated but situated within a very active landscape of other collaborations and initiatives. We will seek to make the most of being an integrated and connected part of this wider collaborative ecosystem, and welcome working with other partners and communities within the city and region.

The challenges we need to address are far bigger than any one or even two organisations can tackle on their own. Only by working together and as part of a wider Team Leeds will we be able to deliver the Best City Ambition for Leeds to be the Best City in the UK to live, work, and prosper.

Read the University of Leeds and Leeds City Council research collaboration framework in full.

Further resources

Do you have Leeds facing policy news, opportunities or events to share? Let us know! Email your updates to policyleeds@leeds.ac.uk.

Find more information on policy collaborations from across University of Leeds on the Policy Leeds website. If you would like to keep in touch with our work, please connect with us on LinkedInfind us on X (formerly Twitter)

Y-PERN: Place-based policy that is grounded in evidence, developed in partnership

Y-PERN is transforming the way academic researchers and knowledge exchange experts in the 12 Yorkshire and Humber universities work in partnership with policymakers in the region.

The deepening of devolution across our region presents a unique opportunity to co-create evidence based policies that bring real benefits to communities.

Take a look at Y-PERN’s 4-page summary to find out what we’re doing, where and how.

New Music Industry Network Launched for Creatives in West Yorkshire

Connecting creative musical talent with regional opportunities is the aim of a new network delivered by Y-PERN partners Leeds Conservatoire and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA).

It brings together everyone in the region’s music industry, from creative organisations and freelancers to venues and communities.

Launched by Mayor Tracy Brabin in collaboration with Leeds Conservatoire, Come Play With Me, and CREATEBritain, the regional network will be a central hub for music industry professionals to share knowledge and insight, create opportunities and collaborate.

Open to creatives at any career stage, the network will encourage inclusivity across West Yorkshire’s music sector, with activity tailored towards underrepresented groups and those facing barriers to opportunities. It will also seek to attract national music sector activity at conferences and events across the region, while supporting creatives to represent West Yorkshire at national and international music events. 

The West Yorkshire Music Network is part of Mayor Tracy Brabin’s £2.3 million ‘You Can Make It Here’ programme, designed to support and drive growth across the region’s creative sector.

Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire, said:

“We’re giving a voice to music professionals in West Yorkshire, and helping them to collaborate on opportunities and unleash their full potential.

“There is so much talent and ambition in our region, and this network will help to drive opportunities, growth and inward investment.

“This new network is an opportunity for our incredible musicians and backstage creatives to thrive in their careers, as we work to build a stronger, brighter West Yorkshire that works for all.”

James Warrender, Head of Strategic Partnerships and Enterprise at Leeds Conservatoire, said:

“The aim is for the network to be diverse and representative of the brilliantly broad variety of music related activities that take place within the region.

“It’s an opportunity to bring existing networks together with new voices, really promote the success stories, but to also unite in solving the challenges.”

Tony Ereira, CEO of Come Play With Me CIC, said:

“There is such a wonderful mix of diverse music adjacent activity happening on our doorsteps here in West Yorkshire and I am so excited about how the Network can celebrate everyone involved, introducing opportunities locally, regionally and nationally – be they a large music organisation with a huge team or a freelancer juggling multiple roles. 

“At a time when arts funding and education is in a critical condition across the country, having been undervalued nationally for years, we really value the Mayor and Combined Authority recognising the need to give the music sector a much-needed voice to come together and demonstrate the significant potential it has to add value across the region.” 

Jeremy Aird, Founder, CREATEBritain, said:

“At CREATEBritain, our goal is to help energise and network creatives at every level across the country and work with ambitious partners like West Yorkshire to deliver real goals for real people.

“Together we are lighting the fuse on a fantastic new community – West Yorkshire Music Network. A place for anything and everything music related to thrive, a critical local resource that also delivers nationally and globally.

“Driving real change and creating opportunity for all of our musicians starts with bold, unapologetic creativity and a platform that can grow and deliver the features they need to succeed.”

Further ‘You Can Make It Here’ initiatives in the pipeline include opportunities for young people to boost their skills and progress into creative roles, while businesses and freelancers will benefit from investment, expert advice and training to unleash their potential.

To find out more and join the West Yorkshire Music Network click here

New report says ‘universities need to be embedded as key partners with MCAs and local authorities’

Universities UK (UUK) has published its Higher Education and Research Blueprint which sets out a package of reform, aiming to stabilise, mobilise and then maximise the contribution of UK universities to economic growth and widening opportunity for all.

The new report ‘Opportunity, growth, and partnership: a blueprint for change from the UK’s universities, has been authored by a series of experts from within and outside higher education on behalf of Universities UK (UUK).

It includes recommendations on how universities can do more to break down barriers to opportunity, help boost the economy, train the doctors and nurses of the future and support the drive to net zero. Achieving this, the blueprint says, will require the sector to change, becoming more efficient, collaborating more and transforming ways of working.

The Blueprint also calls on the UK government to stabilise the sector’s finances and increase direct public funding in England so the cost of going to university is rebalanced towards government instead of students.

Critical partners in local growth plans

One of three ‘key ideas’ in the report is for universities to work more closely in local areas with businesses, chambers of commerce and metro mayors to make the strongest possible contribution to growth at local and regional levels. Indeed, Chapter 3, ‘Generating local growth ‘notes that to maximise their contribution, universities need to be embedded as key partners with MCAs and local authorities, are well positioned to put themselves forward as critical partners in local growth plans,’ – citing Y-PERN as an example of this.

For example, South Yorkshire Combined Authority’s (SYMCA) Skills Strategy was devised to help build a better, not just a bigger economy in the region. Y-PERN colleagues were actively involved in supporting the development of the Skills Strategy for as well as a Plan for Good Growth. They delivered a range of activities including an evidence briefing on skills and labour market ecosystems and a series of workshops feeding into the Skills Strategy design

Meanwhile, the West Yorkshire Plan sets out an ambitious vision and five missions for 2040 that will transform lives and communities across the region. Y-PERN and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) are working together on this vision through a systems of provision approach, which will ultimately feed into a Local Growth Plan (LGP) for the region. By analysing the underlying structures and relationships within a system, wider determinants of complex problems can be identified rather than merely addressing symptoms.

Introducing Y-PERN Policy Fellow Dr Peter Mukarumbwa

Dr. Peter Mukarumbwa is Y-PERN Policy Fellow for West Yorkshire, helping to enhance the contribution of academic research to support evidence-based policymaking across the region.

Peter is responsible for…

Research, policy and engagement support in respect of the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SME) economy. His work will include exploring the potential impact of the Bradford 2025 City of Culture on the SMEs in Bradford and Yorkshire and Humber more widely and work on the SME manufacturing economy in the region. Thus, enhancing the contribution of academic research to support evidence-based policymaking across the region with specific focus on the needs and requirements of SMEs.

Peter is most looking forward to…

Working closely with local businesses, academics and other stakeholders in the Yorkshire and Humber region on knowledge exchange which will contribute towards developing policy, analysis reports and briefings based on research and evidence.  Exchange of ideas with Y-PERN Fellows across the network and see the impact of his work in the region.

Key areas of focus for Peter are…

On exploring the policy requirements and implications for and from SMEs in the region and particularly in Bradford. This will include a focus on SMEs not currently engaging with SME support and development activities across the region. It will require innovative approaches to SME engagement and working with a diverse range of governmental, non-governmental, and community partners to include Bradford Metropolitan District Council, Bradford City of Culture, West Yorkshire Combined Authority, the Federation of Small Business and the Chamber of Commerce.

Ultimately, his work will link into the West Yorkshire systems review and economic strategy. Specific areas of focus within this will include but not limited to exploring challenges and opportunities for SME manufacturers in West Yorkshire; unearthing reasons for SME non-engagement in existing business support; understanding barriers to growth in Yorkshire and Humber family businesses; and developing of an SME and family business index for Yorkshire and Humber region.

Peter joins us with a background in …

Agricultural Economics, in a career which spans over 15 years working with teams from multicultural backgrounds in diverse fields across five Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries, namely: Lesotho, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. He acquired substantial knowledge in academic policy engagement, rural economy, youth and gender mainstreaming, quantitative and qualitative research methods. His last role before joining Y-PERN was leading the design of the USA Millenium Challenge Cooperation (MCC)-funded project Market Driven Irrigated Horticulture (MDIH), working closely with the Business Environment and Technical Assistance (BETA) Project in Lesotho.

Introducing Y-PERN Policy Fellow Pratichi Chatterjee

Dr Pratichi Chatterjee is Y-PERN Policy Fellow for West Yorkshire (based at the University of Huddersfield) and facilitates engagement between academics, policymakers and the community around housing in the region.

Pratichi is responsible for…

Delivering research and promoting community engagement on issues of homelessness and housing quality in West Yorkshire. In her role Pratichi will also support the development of more effective ways for academics and policymakers to work together.

Pratichi is most looking forward to…

Learning about the barriers to just housing outcomes in the region, and collaborating with local housing and health partnerships, academics and communities to work within these constraints, but hopefully also to challenge them.

Key areas of focus for Pratichi are…

homelessness among non-UK nationals, especially people seeking asylum. Specifically, in her role she will collaborate with the West Yorkshire Housing and Health Network to identify and evaluate realistic ways to support people at risk of homelessness.

Pratichi will also work on problems with social housing quality, especially those of damp and mould which social housing providers now have a duty to address, as per the Social Housing (Regulation) Act.  Her research will contribute to social landlords finding ways to better support tenants on such issues.

Pratichi joins us with a background in…

Human/Urban geography. Her past work has been on topics of housing development, displacement and homelessness. Prior to joining YPERN Pratichi worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Leeds investigating the prefab house-building market in England, including the types of homes and places it is delivering.

In a previous role outside of academia, Pratichi has carried out research with the charity Crisis looking at the relationship between societal racism and homelessness.

Pratichi completed her PhD from the University of Sydney, Australia. Here her work focussed on the drivers and impacts of public housing redevelopment and infrastructure building, and the continuing influence of colonisation on such city-building processes.